Hotel Vischio Osaka free wi-fi service

Free Wi-Fi can be accessed throughout the hotel.
Guests in both the hotel and the restaurant are welcome to use the hotel’s Wi-Fi services.
How to Connect
Select the [VISCHIO] network from the Wi-Fi network list.
Enter [vischioosaka] into the password field.
You are all set to freely access the Internet!
Service Usage Precautions
- This service does not guarantee Wi-Fi connectivity for all guests.
Slow connections or an inability to connect to the service may be caused by the network environment of the guest’s device or by heavy network traffic. We appreciate your understanding. - Note that the hotel is not responsible for any virus or malware infections, loss of data, or other damages that may occur during use of this service.
- The hotel does not provide any support for guest PCs, communication device environments, or configuration of various related settings.
Also note that guests are solely responsible for the security of their connected devices. Please protect and manage your devices as you see fit.